Marketing Process Automation ROI Calculator

</p> <p>Marketing Automation ROI Calculator</p> <p>

How To Use This Calculator

  • The purpose of this calculator is to
    help you estimate the return from making an investment in a marketing operations automation system, whether on-premises, SaaS or
  • The calculator will prompt you first for cost estimates. Total cost is split
    between labor, materials and opportunity forfeited for dedicating resources to the
    automation initiative.
  • Labor cost in particular is estimated based on the amount of
    effort it will take to complete the automation project.
  • The calculator proceeds to prompt for
    benefit estimates, and will use both costs and benefits to produce a final ROI estimate.
  • To use this calculator simply make
    your entries in the blue input fields. The final results will
    calculate automatically.
Cost Estimate
F-T Employee F-T Consultant
What do you pay each resource
per week?
How much % yield do you expect
from each personnel resource per week during the automation initiative? *
Consultants may be expected to yield 100% of pay, while internal staff may
yield less due to commitments to other projects.
Discovery and Scoping Planning and Design Development, Configuration,
Training and Deployment Maintenance and Fine-tuning
How many weeks will each project
phase take to complete?
How many employees will you
dedicate to each project phase?
How many consultants will you
contract per project phase?
(as % of Internal Personnel)
Labor Cost
Opportunity Cost
Software Licensing $
Hardware Cost (if any) $
Total Cost
Benefit Estimate
How many employees are impacted
by the current system?
What % of employee effort is
dedicated to working under the current system?
What’s the monetary value of
current employee productivity?
What’s the current level of
employee productivity without introducing a new system?
In migrating to a new system,
what % of productivity improvement would you attribute to the new system?
Current employee productivity $
Ideal employee productivity $
Employee effort affected (in #
of employees)
Productivity improvement, if
employee is affected
Productivity improvement
attributed to new system
Total Benefit $
Return On Investment
Your return on
investment can be expressed in a variety of ways, by comparing benefits to
costs as a ratio, marginal benefit as a percentage of cost or total benefits as a
financial differential from total costs. Either way it should be possible
to discern below in a basic way whether the impact of your investment might be substantial enough to justify making the
commitment toward marketing automation.
Benefit-to-Cost Ratio
Net Benefit as a % of Cost
Benefit-to-Cost Differential