Starting Your Own Business Unemployed: Does It Pay Off?

Starting Your Own Business Unemployed: Does It Pay Off?

You’ve seen it before: “Make hundreds of dollars in a few days! Thousands in a month at your own pace, comfortably from you our own home!”

Those in desperate straits find the claim irresistible. For the right price, they’re hooked, because it sounds like a goodwill prophecy.

If you haven’t had work for 9 months and you’ve applied to a million jobs and nobody is hiring, you’re dying to hear an oracle.

Of course you’re frustrated. The bills keep piling. The cash in the bank has bled out like a gaping wound.

Speaking from former personal experience, I don’t think I’m wrong in saying that most people trapped in such a situation live in a sort of delirium.

We envision our financial nightmares disappear and our freedom to enjoy life with family and friends again resurface, if only we could kill the unemployment monster with one silver bullet.

So, when I read under such conditions that I can gain access to work-at-home jobs with companies that pay as much as $100 per hour, I perk up. If the work won’t require commute, I lean over.

When it says I can set my own schedule and pick my own clients, I can’t help to buy into the promise.

I mean, no commute? No specific college degree necessary? I get to work for a Fortune 500 company from my own bedroom using only my smartphone or a computer? And I can even label myself some fancy title like Auction Listing Specialist or whatever, while making loads of money?

Wow! Who can pass this up?

I go right ahead and fill out the form to get more information, right?

But then as I’m about to press the ‘Submit’ button, suddenly I realize what I’m about to do.


Don’t Surrender To Fear When Desperate For Employment

Giving up without a fight shouldn’t be an option for you.

There you are now, passing out your personal information, and eventually your precious cash to a total stranger, without even verifying whether you’re about to empty your chamber in total darkness.

But it’s so tempting! It’s your one chance to slay the monster and start to work again, right?

C’mon! Smack yourself upside your head! Open up another tab in your browser. Why?

Do it because within 5 minutes your information hunt would have revealed 3 independent sites that expose the work-at-home program for what it is – a lousy SCAM.

$197. That’s what desperation would have cost you, if you hadn’t had the better sense to pause and test the facts to avoid the scam artist pressing deep into your pain spot and telling you, “I can make it all go away. Just click ‘Submit’”.

This would apply the same for anyone desperate enough to want a remedy also badly enough to rid them of that terrible pain. It’s how impulse buying happens.

This kind of experience helps uncover 2 things that I believe you can gain from:

  1. You cannot avoid the pretty horrendous people out there who wouldn’t hesitate to take your money because of the mental and emotional condition in which you find yourself today if you’re unemployed.

    I could be in rags begging on the sidewalk without a cent to my name and these rip-off artists would seduce me for the lint in my pockets. That’s how genuinely deceptive these people really are.

  2. To escape the traps that these horrible people set up for you, you must have a change of mind. Renewing your mind paves the way to the renewing of your emotions. This is what makes acting without fear possible to avoid getting scammed.

Looking at all the comments left by the victims of the work-at-home swindle that you escaped, you’d noticed lots of folks who are in pretty bad shape. It infuriates me all the more to witness a bunch of thieves suck them dry. But, you know, regardless of their mistake in buying a useless program, these victims have admirable reasons for wanting to strike it big.


The Right Starting Point For Your Enterprising Mind

Arguably, the “suckers” are all the people willing to dish out basically $200 to a dubious corporate insider, who promised to show them how to work for a Fortune 500 company delivering a service that pays $100 per hour without much more to show them than the “I’ll tell you how if you pay me now” condition.

But let’s cut the fallen some slack.

All were not plain suckers or plainly greedy. They were not simply after the comfort and flexibility of working remotely. They were not just after financial security or spending more time with their family either. Heck! They were not even just after a quick buck!

Do you know what they proved to have been after with a passion?

The exceptional wanted to WORK.

Can you see what this means?

It means that they wanted purpose in their lives. They wanted something to do that is useful and can produce results. They wanted more than a job. They wanted to be productive for someone, and so get paid.


Can The Unemployed Really Start A Business…Fast!

Starting your own business when you’re out of a job is what allows you instantly to become your own boss, sort of. What it really means is that you can stop having to work for employers, who treat you like a disposable paper plate, only if you can be hired to serve someone else. And that new boss you’d call a client.

So, this got me thinking about what it would take for a person in desperate straits to start a business legitimately from home and to succeed with it fast to end unemployment by getting clients quick.

Let’s face it, we fall for these get-rich-quick kind of schemes when unemployed not because we are necessarily lazy or greedy. We fall for these scams because we believe to have found a quick way to end the fear of being cashless without an employment paycheck.starting your own business for cash

If we had cash to cover our expenses, we could pay our rent or mortgage. We could pay for groceries. We’d have money for gasoline. We’d see our credit cards balances that have ballooned from paying for all these necessities get smaller, smaller, and smaller.

Folks, the problem is cash flow.

And obviously the problem of cash flow ends with quick work ventures.

I’m tired of seeing needy people get taken for a ride and exploited all because they have a longing to be successful at owning a business to work simply for a stream of cash, not for a future IPO, not to change the world, or to cure cancer.

For cash to pay the bills!

I’m certain there are some business ventures that a financially needy though industrious person can launch quickly and easily, not only to generate cash in a pinch but to grow it into a viable operation in a few weeks.

And with some guidance, these may give new meaning to the search for work. They don’t get in the way of looking for a conventional job. They may serve as a stop-gap to depression and provide a silver lining that could turn into a sunny day that lasts.


Starting Fast Can Produce Lasting Results

Years back, I set up a website called Starting Your Own Business Overnight (SYOBO) where I listed a series of quick cash-making business ventures that the youthful unemployed could start from practically nothing. All they needed was a willingness to really work and stick to their knitting in the midst of a recession.

There were tons of unemployed college graduates at the time, who simply went home diploma in hand back to mom and dad. I provided my SYOBO audience with all the steps to follow to become a dog walker, a window cleaner, a landscaper, a mobile car washer, a personal chef – all ventures were cash-based, low-cost, low barriers of entry businesses with little competition and a need for youthful vigor. They were great training grounds for learning how to create a business from scratch.

Most websites about starting your own business just give you general information about writing a business plan or getting a loan, or finding a product to sell, especially online, and a ton of other information that just boggles the mind and discourages you from starting your own business quickly.

Honestly, someone who is unemployed and low on cash just doesn’t have the resources to go through the whole drawn out process of finding a product or service to sell, writing a 30-page business plan, looking for angel financing or going to a bank and asking for a loan, and then creating a whole infrastructure to launch the business, plus ensuring competition is not massive so that profit margins end up being minuscule and the venture a flop.

My son Alexis, who was 23 at the time and wrapping up college, took me up on one of those ventures I’d published, and applied my system to the letter. Five years later, he was making six-figures, had gotten married, and six years after that he had as many kids – everything having been made possible because of one of those quick cash-making businesses that he took me up on executing (window cleaning). He sold that one and is now on his fourth business venture, I think. (I’ve lost count!) He has been so successful as an entrepreneur.

So, aren’t you tired like me of all those drawn out and general explanations about how starting your own business takes years to accomplish and money that you don’t have? What to do then?

There’s lots of information easily available today about actual businesses that you can start NOW to begin making money FAST, if you have money to spend on them to begin with.

But Age And Experience Matter!

If you’re not young, I recommend you get a proven coach that may help you transform all your experience into assets and services to help you launch a venture fast using any of these pre-existing model opportunities.


Because time is money, and it’s better to spend money than time when you’re in a hurry to get your actual experience back into use by the market. Pay to save.

But on the other hand, nobody should cut corners and settle for scams when they want to get a cash-producing business up and running quickly. So, be judicious. Meet various coaches. Evaluate what they bring to the table. What is their framework? What’s their turnaround time to results? What makes each of them unique? Verify their USP and compare.

I’m not saying that preparing a business plan or creating a sound infrastructure for your business shouldn’t be on your mind when you want quick cash. Without good planning and a system, you got no better than a temporary gig, not a business.

But what I am saying is that starting your own business doesn’t require you having to go through a heavily formal routine just to produce honest cash fast. You can get to cash fast. Making it sustainable is what then becomes your next challenge. Use a mentor for that.

Many enormously successful business owners didn’t start out by going through a rigmarole. They just followed the basic principles of business – find a need, fulfill the need (the hotter, the better), and make sure that your earnings are above your expenses. Then, rinse and repeat. Modify as you go. But use expert help to avoid repeating the same mistakes they made.

As the old saying goes:

“Learn from other people’s mistakes. You’ll never live long enough to make them all yourself.”

Starting a business shouldn’t require having to reinvent the wheel. There are templates. There are roadmaps to follow. There are options to choose from. There is expertise to tap onto.

But you must pay to save yourself all that time effort. Indeed, you can make hundreds of dollars in a few days! Thousands in a month! But you’ll need help.

Be humble. Be smart. Seek for it.

Be willing to a) work for a real purpose and b) renew the way that you think about your startup project every single morning when you’re just beginning your journey, and c) rely on good guidance and help.

You have to be willing consistently to serve somebody in need first and foremost, taking your eyes off of yourself and your personal situation for a moment to look into the need of the ones who will pay you for the remedy that you have for them. That’s step one. Step two is to have someone reminding you of step one constantly.

If you do this well, you will next be too busy serving your own customers to fall prey to any scam artists targeting the unemployed.