Do You Have to Live Near Where You Work and Make Your Money?

Do You Have to Live Near Where You Work and Make Your Money?

If you’re an office professional who’d rather live other than near where you have to work, but you find that your way of earning your living inhibits your ability to move wherever you may be treated your best, then you have two options:

1️    You can stay put and remain unhappy, else…

2️    You can move and face financial risk.

The market where you’d love to live at may be too limiting, not offering the employment opportunities you need to make a living.

What if I told you I know how to remove this risk?

I can show you how to live in a way that enables you not to have to worry about where to move for financial reasons, because your
income will move with you wherever you choose to go.

It will follow you, domestically or internationally, rather than you having to follow it, thereby making you 𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁.

It’s all about untethering your money from the place you choose to live at and work from, and doing this long before the age of retirement.

The tool that enables this for you is a series of practices, technologies, and training that ensure your income remains free of geographic limitations.

And being that the entire construct is systematic, I call it a “money-making machine” just to keep it simple to understand.

But it is a methodology and technology tool set and an educational package that combine to help you achieve the above objective.

I can offer myself as a basic example.

I’m currently staying in Costa Rica. My wife is in California. We’re thinking of moving to Mexico. But we’ve spoken of Portugal and Ecuador. I’d like to check out Italy. She learned French in high school and college and has yet to visit and would love staying in France for a while. With my system, we could end up in Thailand or New York City. It doesn’t matter. Our income follows us. We don’t follow the money which traditionally is tethered to a work location near where you live.

For over a decade, my wife daily worked with patients. If we had to depend exclusively on this income today to subsist, she’d ALWAYS have to live near where her patients live. And in some markets that’s better than in others. So, we’d be staying where the patients live. Her income would be location-dependent.

But now we can plan our lives without concern for such a location-bound dependency.

If this is a topic you’d be interested in learning more about, you’re welcome to message me with your questions.