Can’t Stay Focused While Working Remote?

Can’t Stay Focused While Working Remote?

Here’s the secret to this crucial skill.

Create your IDEAL WORKSPACE. 👈

Some people say they can only perform while at the office.

What made the office your ideal workspace?

Others claim they can best perform outside that environment.

What differentiates their ideal workspace from the office?

While you don’t have to live near where you make your money. But finding a location you truly love as your workspace haven is the key to concentration.

💥 And concentration is how you yield performance results.

Whether it’s a cozy coffeeshop, a beachside cabana, a serene mountain hideout, or a busy warehouse, cluttered shopping floor, noisy call center, having a space that resonates with you will naturally focus your energies and boost your productivity to match what you’re expected to yield from your efforts.

In every instance, certain habits will apply to make the most of your ideal workspace. Wherever you work, you’ll still need to…

  • Set a clear schedule
  • Limit distractions
  • Prioritize your tasks
  • Set goals and celebrate achievements
  • Stay clean and organized
  • Track milestones and deadlines
  • Embrace flexibility while being disciplined
  • Find your productivity rhythm
  • Stay engaged and connected, plus…
  • Close shop and completely put work away for the day

It’s how you develop a well-being for a successful remote work career as a telecommuter or digital nomad.

Your workspace reflects your self-care prioritization which brings stability.

Stability makes work focus possible.

How do you achieve it?

🔶 Here are some suggestions from my experience working remote for decades:

– Harness the power of natural light, positioning whenever possible your workspace to benefit from the sun or the full moon.

– Create an aesthetic appeal to your surroundings using objects that inspire you. I prefer having a large whiteboard behind me for instant brainstorming and visualizing ideas. But decorating with artwork, plants, or meaningful quotes uplifts my spirit.

– Personalize your soundscape, experimenting with background music, ambient sounds to enhance your concentration and creativity. Change the mood. Jazz it up or go pianissimo.

– Block out interruptions by setting up work hour boundaries around you. Use noise-canceling headphones or a “Do Not Disturb” sign during dedicated work sessions.

– Chunk your work time. Devote yourself to 2 to 3-hour long work blocks. Keep breaks short. Allow your focus to remain optimal til quitting time.

– Engage your other senses. Incorporate aromatherapy with essential oils, use a standing desk for ergonomic variety, or sip your favorite drink in a special mug or bottle while staying hydrated.

– Switch up surroundings, occasionally changing your workspace setup. Explore locations. Use cafes, parks, co-working spaces. Go abroad.

💎 This is the secret to staying focused while working remote.