
Why Unequally Yoked Clients Do Not Come First

Do you know how you can grab a dog’s tail, cause the animal to spin, then grab the dog’s tail again, cause the dog to spin in the opposite direction with no lesson learned by the foolish animal? Well, I just went through a similar experience with one of...

Forgotten Secret to Help You Reach Startup Success Today

The need for mentorship in business is not insignificant. Too many people – too many young and old – receive zero education and training in either launching or running a business. A mentor will share knowledge and experience, explain needed skills and how to develop them to help someone...

Why Some Sales Demos ‘EXPLODE’ in Your Face

Long before professor Victor Davis Hanson classified California as “America’s First Third-World State”, I was a student at the University of California. This was over 3 decades ago. Times were different then. Back then, I had to leave college for a while. My wife became pregnant with our first...

Why Daredevil Entrepreneurs Give Entrepreneurship A Bad Name

An entrepreneur definition worth analyzing is that of entrepreneur Tara Hunt, after her potential investors rejected her business proposal: This is when you go and take a big drink. Tequila has been my favorite… What happened? What happened between that really exciting meeting and this?   It’s like everybody...

5 Mini Lessons in Exploiting Small Business Opportunity

The secret of success? According to twice British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli the secret is to be ready for your opportunity when it shows. Are you already dreaming of a small business opportunity? Don’t dream anymore. Seize it. It’s now before you. “Every man has one chance in his...

How Not To Fail in Starting A Business From Home

Maybe you’ve worked remote for over a year and liked it. Maybe unemployment is that uncomfortable situation you’re facing now and you’re thinking a home business is where your opportunity lies. Maybe you’re having to leave retirement because you’re running out of money. Or maybe it’s under-employment. Or perhaps...